Monero XMR Easy Mining Step By Step Guide - XMRPOOL.EU

Here you can find useful information how to start mining. Please read the getting started guide below!

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Let's get started!

So you wanna be a miner huh? Before you get your first coins there are couple of things you need to know! This guide is dedicated to all the newbies that are not familiar with mining. Please read it carefully and read it a few times! Feel free to contact us for live help on our support page.

First of all you need a wallet

Before you start mining you need to have a wallet. We recommend that you use one of the following wallets:

  • Official GUI/CLI Wallet - Official wallet created by Monero team. A bit harder to setup than but safer.
  • MyMonero - This wallet is created and maintained by a Monero core team member. It's recommended by community.
  • Cake Wallet for XMR Monero - IOS wallet recommended by the community.
  • Monerujo - Android wallet recommended by the community. Safe and open source!

Ok so to continue any further make sure you have your wallet address.
A standard Monero wallet address should have 95 characters. An example of a Monero wallet address would look like: 41dtfjtrvG3ZKTpzaVqTpjasKaPTGVBRRYJnPrp14mne7aWL6jVasPaD3AZSdw24mkJ8GpLkMNXENJWu2LuRb78v1HJYvcB However we will replace your 95 character address with the words "YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS" for ease of use in the rest of this page.

There are two other Monero wallet address types:
The integrated address and sub address

An integrated address. This contains 106 characters and is basically a standard wallet address encrypted internally with a payment ID (that's why 106 chars).
A sub address. This are just like the standard address that you can use for receiving funds repeatedly. Sub addresses are cool because you can have different addresses and still have them go to the same wallet.

Let's get the party started...

This is the moment you've been waiting for ;-). In a few seconds, you will start mining coins with us. In order to do it you need a proper miner that is easy to setup. You can always look at other miners once you have had more experience.

Thanks to the community there is open source mining software available and its pretty good!
XMRIG now supports CPU, AMD and NVIDIA GPUs in a single unified miner. So you just need to download and unzip it.

Anti-virus detection

Due to the nature of mining software nearly every one is detected as a virus.. DO NOT WORRY!!. Please add the binary as an exception in your virus protection software.

Download XMRig V5.0.1 or higher. Windows will probably scream about the security but you can easily ignore it (software is safe and open source).

Configuring XMRig

The preferred way to configure the miner is the JSON config file as it is more flexible and human friendly.

Here is a sample XMRig config file that works well with our pool.

    "api": {
        "id": null,
        "worker-id": null
    "http": {
        "enabled": false,
        "host": "",
        "port": null,
        "access-token": null,
        "restricted": true
    "autosave": true,
    "background": false,
    "colors": true,
    "randomx": {
        "init": -1,
        "mode": "auto",
        "numa": true
    "cpu": {
        "enabled": true,
        "huge-pages": true,
        "hw-aes": null,
        "priority": null,
        "memory-pool": false,
        "asm": true,
        "yield": true
    "cuda": {
        "enabled": false,
        "loader": null
    "donate-level": 5,
    "donate-over-proxy": 1,
    "log-file": null,
    "pools": [
            "coin": "monero",
            "url": "",
            "user": "YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS",
            "pass": "x",
            "rig-id": "test",
            "keepalive": true,
            "enabled": true
    "print-time": 1800,
    "retries": 1,
    "retry-pause": 5,
    "syslog": false,
    "user-agent": null,
    "watch": true

Save the file as config.json and then execute xmrig with the config as follows:

xmrig -c config.json

Please Note: This is very basic configuration to get you started so you may need to tune it further for your specific hardware. Especially the cpu section

Alternatively you can specify the parameters at run time this way:

xmrig --coin 'monero' -o -u YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x

About latest Monero algo configuration for RandomX

Summary: RandomX is an algorithm that's supposed to be ASIC resistant for a long while. It uses random code execution and memory-hard techniques to prevent specialized mining hardware from having a mining advantage on the monero network. Therefore best hardware for this algo is general-purpose CPUs.

RandomX memory RAM requirements

  • Fast mode - requires 2080 MiB of shared memory (RAM).
  • Light mode - requires only 256 MiB of shared memory, but runs significantly slower

Recommended: At least 2.5 GiB of free RAM per running miner instance
Reference. RandomX guide by Author

Note: RandomX algorithm is pretty heavy so Systems with 4GB or less RAM will probably be unstable or slow while running RandomX
8 GB System RAM (or higher) is highly recommended.
In the pools section for xmrig config, set the coin option to monero and leave the algo option to null or remove the algo key altogether.

The best part ... payout!

So the miner is running and you are probably wondering when are you going to see some coins in your wallet?

There are couple of things you need to know. First of all the pending balance. When you put your wallet address on the main page you will see your pending balance. The pending balance reflects your current state of mined coins. When the pool finds a block and the block is mature, the pool then calculates the shares that each miner is going to receive and updates their 'Pending Balance' according to the work they submitted (amount of hashes). The main rule here is that the greater your hashrate and therefore the more shares you submit, the faster your pending balance will increase.

When you reach the minimum payment threshold the pool will automatically send you coins. There are two different minimum payment thresholds on based on the type of Monero wallet address:

  • Standard wallet address - 95 characters Minimum payment threshold = 0.07 XMR
  • Integrated address wallet (106 characters) Minimum payment threshold = 2 XMR

Please note payment is not immediate as the payment module is scheduled to run every hour.

Tuning time...

It's good to use some of the features. I will try to cover most of them with the examples below.

Here are the examples of the configurations to use some of the features (in the examples I will use the wallet address generated above YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS)

Mining to a Monero wallet with fixed difficulty (difficulty is going to be 25000) (. sign)
Mining to a Monero wallet with worker id called my_rig1 (+ sign)
Mining to a Monero wallet with fixed difficulty and worker id (worker name should be always last!)
Mining to Exchange (106 characters long addresses)
Mining to exchange with fixed difficulty and worker id (remember to put worker name in last place)

Monero Community

Remember that you are not alone. Monero has a huge community. If you have any questions You can read news and other stuff at Monero reddit.
If you have any questions about mining you can read mining news and other stuff at MoneroMining reddit.
Our pool also has a super secret slack channel. If you want to join please send me an email and I will invite you!! We pride ourselves on our pool community and the pool is driven and focused by you the miners! Again if you want an input as to how the pool is run then join our Slak channel.

Wallet & Daemon Software

Mining Software

Application Name Architecture Downloads Discussion Source Code
XMRig CPU GPU AMD NVIDIA Unified Miner Latest XMRig Release Issues Github
When run for the first time it will auto configure most of the option. You only need to add pool and wallet address

Mining To Exchange

Warning! The monero community has deprecated the use of unencrypted payment ids. Subsequently, the old format of address@payment_id has been removed. Please switch to exchanges that support using subaddresses or integrated addresses.
This Monero pool supports mining to an exchange. This means that you can mine and when you reach payment threshold (2 XMR) you balance will be transfered straight to exchange. We only support using integrated addresses (106 characters long addresses) or sub-addresses when mining to an exchange.
Note: The old style ie: using a PAYMENT_ID in your miner configuration with @ just after the Monero address is no longer supported.
You can mix mining to exchange with other features like worker name and fixed difficulty. Look at the examples above.

Individual Mining Rig Worker Identification is supports mining rig identification or workers. In order to register worker simply add +worker_id to miner configuration.
For example: YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS+my_worker
You can mix worker ids with fixed difficulty. In order to have a worker with fixed difficulty use: YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS.25000+my_worker
It's important to put fixed difficulty before the worker id.

SSL/TLS Mining

Claymore miner > 9.7 enabled SSL mining. Using SSL mining allows to lower dev fee from 2.5% to 2%. has a special port 9999 for Claymore SSL miners.
If you want to mine using Claymore with lower fee (2%) configure it to use: -o ssl://

Connection Details

Mining Pool Address

Mining Ports

Mining difficulty will automatically adjust on all these ports
Port: 3333
Starting Difficulty: 45000
Description: Low end hardware

Port: 5555
Starting Difficulty: 60000
Description: Mid range hardware

Port: 7777
Starting Difficulty: 100000
Description: High end hardware

Port: 9999
Starting Difficulty: 60000
Description: SSL for Claymore > 9.7

Port: 443
Starting Difficulty: 60000
Description: For firewall bypass

The mining difficulty will automatically adjust on all the ports. You can configure a fixed difficulty if you like. To mine with a fixed difficulty level, simply put YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS.difficulty in your miner's configuration. For example YOUR_XMR_WALLET_ADDRESS.75000.